Photograph album of the Scientific Senatus
Última modificación
Tue , 09/07/2024 - 10:41

- Creation of the Scientific Senatus; Octubre 2006.
- Appointment of Professor Quintanilla to the Scientific Senatus; 15th November 2007.
- Appointment of Professor Garay to the Scientific Senatus; 14th November 2008.
- New appointments to the Scientific Senatus; 13rd November 2009.
- Appointment of Eduardo Punset as an honorary member of the Scientific Senatus; 27th April 2010.
- New appointments to the Scientific Senatus; 15th November 2010.
- New appointments to the Scientific Senatus; 11th November 2011.
- Appointment of José Manuel Blecua as an honorary member of the Scientific Senatus; 9th May 2012.
- New appointments to the Scientific Senatus; 16th November 2012.