Seminario del Departamento de Física Teórica: “Comology using weekly global VLBI”.- Jueves 27 de marzo de 2025
El próximo jueves 27 de marzo de 2025 se celebrará el seminario organizado por el Departamento de Física Téorica de título "Comology using weekly global VLBI", impartido por Jeffrey Hodgson (University of Sejong, South Korea). Tendrá lugar a las 12:10 h en la Sala de Profesores, ubicada en la primera planta del Edificio A (Físicas).
Resumen (en inglés):
Recently there has been hints of a time variable dark energy. Over the past several years, I have been attempting to measuredistances to blazars by using the speed of light to calibrate a standard ruler, potentially giving one of the only ways to independent confirm or deny these claims. Archival data is not well suited to this kind of experiment, so by teaming up with geodetic VLBI astronomers, I have been performing weekly global VLBI using the Korean VLBI network, Mopra in Australia and HartRAO in South Africa. I present early results and progress.