Seminario CAPA: “Extrasolar planets: a radiation diet”.- Jueves 16 de enero
El próximo jueves 16 de enero de 2025 tendrá lugar un nuevo seminario del Centro de Astropartículas y Física de Altas Energías (CAPA) de la Universidad de Zaragoza. Será impartido por Jorge Sanz Forcada, Investigador Científico en el Centro de Astrobiología del INTA-CSIC, con el título “Extrasolar planets: a radiation diet”. Se celebrará a las 12:00 h en el Seminario de Física Nuclear, ubicado en el Edificio A, y será accesible también a través del enlace
Resumen (en inglés):
Currently known extrasolar planets population is biased towards short-period planets.They tend to be highly irradiated. Photons in the XUV range (1-912 A) are of special importance in this context because they ionize neutral H atoms, yielding planetary atmosphere photoevaporation, which in turn results in non-negligible planet mass loss rates. This mechanism has been proposed to explain thedistribution of planets in the mass-radius diagram. The XUV stellar irradiation is not only important in the photoevaporation processes, but also in the formation of the He I 10830 A triplet, which is also used to test the planet atmospheric losses. In this talk I will introduce a recent work in which we demonstrate how tight is the link between this triplet and the XUV stellar irradiation, aside from the photoevaporation process.