Seminario del Departamento de Física Teórica: “From the graviton to gravity”.- Jueves 2 de noviembre
El jueves 2 de noviembre de 2023 a las 12:10 h José M. Gracia Bondía (DFTUZ) impartirá el seminario de título “From the graviton to gravity”. La charla tendrá lugar en el Seminario de Física Teórica, Edificio de Físicas.
We try to lift a corner of the veil covering "dequantization", in the realm of gravitational theory. As it happens, quantum gravitational interactions involve more complication that just the coupling of stress-energy-momentum tensor to gravitons. A rigorous approach based on the autonomous formulation of QFT demands graviton's self-interaction, leading to the (perturbative development of) Einstein's action. [Joint work with Ch Gass (Varsovia) y K.-H. Rehren (Gotinga)]