Algebra | Javier Otal Cinca | | | | | | |
Amino acids and Peptides | Carlos Cativiela Marín | | | | | | |
Analytical Biosensors | Javier Galbán Bernal | | | | | | |
Analytical Spectroscopy and Sensors | Juan Ramón Castillo Suárez | | | | | | |
Apoptosis, Immunity and Cancer | Luis Alberto Anel Bernal | | | | | | |
Applied Organometallic Chemistry (QOA) | Mariano Laguna Castrillo | | | | | | |
Applied superconductivity | Rafael Navarro Linares | | | | | | |
Asymetric Organocatalysis | Raquel Pérez Herrera | | | | | | |
Biocomputation and Physics of Complex Systems | David Íñiguez Dieste | | | | | | |
Biology and Biotechnology of Reproduction | María Teresa Muiño Blanco | | | | | | |
Bioorganic Chemistry | Pedro Merino Filella | | | | | | |
Catalysis and Mechanisms | Eduardo Sola Larraya | | | | | | |
Catalysis Molecular Separations and Reactor Engineering | Miguel Menéndez Sastre | | | | | | |
Characterization of materials by Synchrotron Radiation Techniques | Joaquín García Ruiz | | | | | | |
Computational and Structural Biology group | Bruno Contreras Moreira | | | | | | |
Continenetal Sedimentary Basin Analysis | Antonio Pérez García | | | | | | |
Electronic Design Group | Santiago Celma | | | | | | |
Enantioselective Homogeneous Catalysis | José Daniel Carmona Gascón | | | | | | |
Extinction and paleoenvironmental reconstruction since Cretaceous to Quaternary | Eustoquio Molina Martínez | | | | | | |
Genetics of lipid metabolism disorders | Miguel Pocovi Mieras | | | | | | |
Geometry | María Teresa Lozano Imizcoz | | | | | | |
Geomorphology and global change | Blas Lorenzo Valero Garcés | | | | | | |
Geotransfer | Antonio María Casas Sainz | | | | | | |
Gold and Silver Chemistry | María Concepción Gimeno Floría | | | | | | |
Group of Applied Thermodynamics and Surfaces (GATHERS) | Ana María Mainar Fernández | | | | | | |
Heterogeneous Catalysis in Selective Organic Synthesis | José Antonio Mayoral Murillo | | | | | | |
High Energy Physics | Manuel Asorey Carballeira | | | | | | |
Homogeneous Catalysis with Organometallic Compounds | Luis Antonio Oro Giral | | | | | | |
Inorganic Chemistry and Organometallic Compounds | José María Casas del Pozo | | | | | | |
Inorganic Molecular Architecture and Applications | María Cristina Tejel Altarriba | | | | | | |
Ionic channels research group | UIT-Miguel Servet Universitary Hospital | | | | | | |
Laboratory for Flavor Analysis and Enology | Vicente Ferreira González | | | | | | |
LAGENBIO research group | Dpt. Anatomy, Embriology and Animal Genetics | | | | | | |
Laser Applications Laboratory (LAL) | Juan Carlos Díez Monux | | | | | | |
Liquid Crystals and Polymers | José Luis Serrano Ostáriz | | | | | | |
Macroscopic magnets | Juan Bartolomé Sanjoaquín | | | | | | |
Magnetism in Nanoestructures | M. Ricardo Ibarra García | | | | | | |
Magnetism of Solids and Local Probe Microscopies | José Ignacio Arnaudas Pontaque | | | | | | |
Materials Caracterization by Synchrotron Radiation (CAMRADS) | Joaquín García Ruiz | | | | | | |
Mathematical analysis and applications | Jesús Bastero Eleizalde | | | | | | |
Mathematical physics | Eduardo Martínez Fernández | | | | | | |
Mediterranean Diet and Atherosclerosis | Jesús de la Osada García | | | | | | |
Mineral Resources | María Isabel Fanlo González | | | | | | |
Mitochondrial Biogenesis and Pathology | Julio Montoya Villarroya | | | | | | |
Molecular Activation by Organometallics | Esteban Urriolabeitia Arrondo | | | | | | |
Molecular chips | Fernando María Luis Vitalla | | | | | | |
Multifunctional Molecular Magnetic Materials | Jesús Javier Campo Ruiz | | | | | | |
Mycobacterial genetics gruop | Dpt. of Microbiology | | | | | | |
NEw TOols for addressing the Size-scale cHange In MAgnetic materials: selective spectroscopies and related magnetometries | Jesús Chaboy Nalda | | | | | | |
Nuclear Physics and Astroparticles | José Ángel Villar Rivacoba | | | | | | |
Numerical analysis and applications | Juan Manuel Peña Ferrández | | | | | | |
Nemerical methods in partial differential equations and integrals | Francisco J. Lisbona Cortés | | | | | | |
Optimization and simulation | Herminia I. Calvete Fernández | | | | | | |
Organometallics and Catalysis | Ana María López de Lama | | | | | | |
Palaeoenvironmental reconstructions - Aragosauras | Marcos Aurell Cardona | | | | | | |
Palaeozoic and Mesozoic Palaeontology: Palaeontological Heritage | Enrique Villas Pedruelo | | | | | | |
Photonic technologies group | Rafael Alonso Esteban | | | | | | |
PLATON | Carlos Enrique Lafuente Dios | | | | | | |
Prevention of Blindness | Luis Pablo Júlvez | | | | | | |
Processing and Characterization of Structural and Functional Ceramics | Víctor M. Orera Clemente | | | | | | |
Protein Targets | Javier Sancho Sanz | | | | | | |
Rapid Analysis Methods with Spectroscopic Techniques (MARTE) | Martín Resano | | | | | | |
Research on the retina | Isabel Pinilla Lozano | | | | | | |
Statistical and Non Linear Physics Group | Luis Mario Floria Peralta | | | | | | |
Stochastic models | Gerardo Sanz Saiz | | | | | | |
Structural Biology | María Luisa Peleato Sánchez | | | | | | |
Thermal properties of materials | Ramón Burriel Lahoz | | | | | | |
Thermodynamic of Fluids | Inmaculada Velasco Albillos | | | | | | |
Visual Optics | Rafael Navarro Belsué | | | | | | |