
Ph doct Poland

PhD program: Doctoral School of Exact and Natural Sciences. Uniwersytet Mikolaja Kopernika W Toruniu (NCU), Torun, Poland

We are seeking an enthusiastic candidate that has M.Sc. and a strong foundation in physics, optical engineering, computer science or other related fields who is interested to develop both optical systems and software tools used for medical diagnostics. 

The applicant must have proficiency in signal and image data processing (i.e., LabView, Python). In particular, proven experience in developing and validation of machine learning models, programming in Python will be required.

Tipo de oportunidad

What is offered
A fast career development, working within an interdisciplinary environment (Bio-Optics& Optical Engineering Lab); in addition to an attractive topic of research, inspiring atmosphere and the organization of international secondments, ideal for young
researchers. The Bio-Optics & Optical Engineering Lab at NCU (group leader: Dr. I. Grulkowski) specializes in the development of modern optical technologies used to study fundamental problems in biology and medicine, in particular in ophthalmology
and visual science. We will offer a full-time Ph.D. position for 36 months to work in NCU, in which living and mobility costs will be fully covered with a gross salary of 31,242.12 € per year.

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