Seminario del IUMA: “Deforming pro-p groups”.- Jueves 20 de marzo
El próximo jueves 20 de marzo de 2025 tendrá lugar el seminario de título “Deforming pro-p groups”, que impartirá Thomas Weigel (Università degli Studi di Milano-Bicocca). Se celebrará a las 11:00 h en el Seminario de Álgebra, ubicado en la 2ª planta del Edificio B (Matemáticas).
Resumen (en inglés):
It is a common phenomenon that certain properties of associative algebras are inherited by associated algebras whose structure constants are slightly modified. Similar phenomena arise in the theory of pro-p groups without a reasonable concept of “structure constants”. Instead one uses the Zassenhaus restricted F_p-Lie algebra functor gr(_) from the category of finitely generated pro-p groups to the category of N-graded restricted F_p-Lie algebras. Indeed finiteness, order and many other properties turn out to be “rigid”, i.e., do not depend on the isomorphism type of the finitely generated pro-$p$ group. The intention is to present some examples and counterexamples of rigid and non-rigid properties we have studied in recent years.