Seminario INMA Impulso : “From electrically conductive MOFs to sustainable batteries”.- Jueves 12 de diciembre
El próximo jueves 12 de diciembre de 2024 se celebrará un nuevo seminario del ciclo INMA Impulso con el título “From electrically conductive MOFs to sustainable batteries”. El ponente es el Prof. Mircea Dincă, del Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Department of Chemistry.
Se celebrará en el Salón de Actos de Edificio C (Geológicas) a las 12:00 h.
Información sobre el ponente (en inglés):
Mircea Dincă is the W. M. Keck Chair as Professor of Energy at MIT. His research interests focus on creating and manipulating microporous and low-dimensional solids with molecular precision for applications in various energy efficiency and environmental challenges. He has been named to the world’s most cited Chemists list annually since 2014 and has received a number of awards, most prominently the Alan T. Waterman Award (2016), the ACS Award in Pure Chemistry (2018), the Blavatnik National Award in Chemistry (2021), and a Ross Brown Foundation Fellowship (2023).